Photographs by David Cortner

for "The Astronomy Internet Masters (Don't Leave Home to Get It)"

Story and Photos For Astronomy Magazine.

Astronomer Graeme White (with Astroscan) under the southern sky.

Nepean Observatory Manager Maria Hunt at the controls of
the Mopra 22-meter radio telescope.

Maria Hunt at work at Mopra.

UWS Graduate Student Rob Hollow (foreground) with three of his
Blue Mountains Grammar School students at Mopra.
(Left to right: Kent Browning, Katelynd Turner, and Cathy Darroch.)

Lecturer and AIM Administrator Alex Hons.

Instructor Ross Cutts: one of the faces behind the online courses.

Instructor Ross Cutts (a little less drama, please).

Looking South: Circumpolar Star Trails Above Nepean Observatory.

Sydney and Sydney Harbour from the Harbour Bridge.

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