David Cortner . com
Photography, etc.

238 Rivercliff Drive
Connellys Springs, NC 28612

m31 62-minutes

Messier 31
Astro-Physics 5-inch F6 @ F4.7
Losmandy G11 unguided
62, 1-minute exposures
Canon 50D, ISO 1600, RAW
No flats, no darks.

Flats would help. And focus could be better. (See next effort here.)
Typical FWHM point spread: 5 pixels at 1.7 arcseconds per pixel (pretty soft).

Auto-aligned and stacked using entropy-weighted averaging in DeepSky Stacker v3.2.2
Cropped, histogram-stretched, and resampled for display in Photoshop CS4. Note that
the 8-bit JPEG above represents <5% of the data in the finished 16-bit, 4770x3177 image.

November 19, 2008, Connellys Springs, North Carolina