Staring at the Sun, 7 :: home :: |
6/28/2010. Just some quick looks today. Amy and I are getting ready to spend some time in New Mexico, and making the most of the frames I just made will have to wait until we get back. I hadn't intended to set up the outfit at all, but a glance at SOHO's near-current imagery showed limb features I wanted to catch.
Barlow on eyepiece
projection adapter. 1/2 second, ISO 400. Disk detail:
one frame, 1/10 second, ISO 400, double stacked.
Later that same day, I noticed that tuning the second etalon brought into view extensive and intricate bright areas surrounding the filaments at the top of this image. At the same time, filaments at the bottom of the disk took on a dramatic three-dimensional appearance as more extensive sheets and curtains within them were revealed. I made a series of new double-stacked images (which I will work up in a week or so) just as clouds began to intrude. I'll have to add multiple images to cope with brightness differences owing to these clouds if for no other reason. For today, these previews from the earlier session will have to do. Also, when we get back, I'm counting on that Seibert Optics observing hood being in the held mail. I grow weary of wearing a black plastic garbage bag wadded up on my head and folded above the camera so I can see to focus. It's just not proper. :: top ::