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6/06/2014. The Harris Brothers

harris bros

Ryan and Reggie play for "Fridays After Five," a concert series
on the square in Lenoir, North Carolina.




Ryan Harris






Reggie Harris










Harris Bros




Lauren (dancing on the square)




Savannah (dancing on the square)





Cecil Palmer

Cecil Palmer




Downtown Lenoir



Lenoir backstreet


First Baptist

First Baptist

These photos were made with a Canon 6D, almost all with either a 70-200mm F4L IS with a 1.4x extender or a Rokinon 14mm F2.8. That's one extreme or the other, my longest casual glass or my widest. The last few cloudscapes were done without the extender, and "Backstreets" was through a 24-105mm Canon F4L. I'm trying to learn to trust the auto-ISO feature on the 6D. It's the first camera I've used where I am confident that very good images can be had even when the camera selects the highest available ISO. For "F8 and be there" read "ISO 6400 and I don't care."

I expect exceptional music when Reggie and Ryan are on the bill, but the light at this concert was a great surprise. I expected clear evening light to be stark and contrasty, and I expected the stage to be in deep shadow. I took the kit along just in case. As it turned out, building facades make wonderful reflectors and the echoing evening sunlight worked beautifully.

06/23/2014. The Harris Brothers at the Green Park Inn in Blowing Rock. The take is on Facebook and should be visible to anyone. Let's find out, and eventually I'll probably put it here, too.


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                   © 2014, David Cortner