10/24/2014. Me and My Baby View the Eclipse. Apologies to Lee Smith for borrowing her title for this post. Amy and I took the RV and the dogs up to the Mount Pisgah campground for the night. I hoped to find a good overlook for yesterday's eclipse. It was a partial eclipse, not particularly deep, but near maximum at sunset. That suggested there might be something well worth photographing. I needed a low western horizon; I wanted a distant ridge line and interesting clouds. Didn't we find just the spot at the Buck Spring Gap overlook! Here's the "money shot" grabbed just a couple of minutes before sunset:

Solar Eclipse
Buck Spring Gap Overlook, Blue Ridge Parkway
Mount Pisgah, North Carolina
October 23, 2014
Questar 3.5 / Canon 6D
Note the aircraft to the lower left of the Sun just beginning to underline the eclipse with its contrail. I didn't see it until I was reviewing my photos. If anybody wants to try to determine what flight that is, how far away, etc., here are the circumstances of the photo:
Lat: 35.4151
Long: -82.7485
Alt: 4,980 feet
Time: 18:35:59 EDT on October 23, 2014.
(Note: the file is timestamped 18:41:10, but 1 day later the USNO says the camera time is mis-set, that it's marking files too late by 5m11s. The corrected time is shown.)
Geometric altitude of the center of the Sun (uncorrected for refraction): 1.06 degrees
Azimuth: 254.84 degrees
More photos to come by and by. Also some snaps of our impromptu eclipse viewing party and video of two dogs howling at a fiddle. It's always interesting when we go out observing.