10/25/2014. Fireworks for Monty's birthday.... An X1 flare from the huge sunspot group transiting the Sun this week erupted while I watched. I'd hauled the solar kit and the G11 up to the cul de sac and was taking data for a six panel mosaic when low level flaring suddenly (over the course of 10-15 seconds?) intensified and spread. The flare peaked at X1 during these imaging runs. The long-neglected solar imaging computer ran out of juice after just 16 minutes, but by then I had the videos in the can. They're not the sharpest ever (practice...) but they do not suck. I put this together while ensconced in a corner at Monty Minton's birthday party (sorry, guys, but sometimes you just have to see what you've got).

X1 flare
October 25, 2014
Best 80 of 500 frames x 6