Spotless No More
07/17/2016. After a few days of eternal sunshine first one, then three decent spots appeared. When the new archipelago neared the solar meridian, we lucked into clear skies. 'Twas but the work of a moment to put the solar telescope on the mount and capture 12GB of data. That's two weddings in photography years.

Click it for a better look.
FireCapture for capture, AutoStakkert2 for stacking, and Registax 6 for wavelet processing. Photoshop to finish. 90mm Orion achromat and Lunt 60THa internal etalon with barlow mounted inside the snout, as described somewhere up above. That's actually 3 clips (500 frames each, best 80-100 of each used) mosaiced together. But I cropped the finished product so tightly that it's mostly just one, 'cause really, when it's not acting like God's own iron filings, how much solar plasma do you really need to see?