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Gone Defishing

2024/05/21: I'm still hyped
about the May 10 aurora and dreamed up a reason to spend some more time with it. What if I defished my full-frame fisheye photos and turned them into approximations of rectilinear wide-angle photos? Yeah, sure. Let's do that.


That's just a straight crop from a small portion of the first aurora photo of the night, the "discovery image" as it were. The next few are remapped using PhotoShop's warp tool. Here's the recipe: expand the x-dim to 7000 pixels and stretch the image to fill; then resample y to to 4200 pixels. It's sometimes OK to leave the image unstretched in y as a panorama format, but this time let's go for a 35mm ratio. How "approximate" are these re-presented images? Well, the stars make excellent control points, so if they're plausible, I'm happy.

Why, yes, you can click 'em to big 'em.










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